Dear Friends and Family,
It's that time of year walk for awareness of Cystic Fibrosis. Please consider joining us on May 19th at 10am (check in 8:30am) for our 9th Great strides walk. This year, the walk has returned to Moonlight Beach!
Thank you to our dear friend, Audrey, for her handmade poster at last year's walk. We loved it so much, we now have a new "motto" for Cruisin' for Clare, "Breathing is Believing." We will never take breathing for granted.
Clare's daily routine includes a nebulizer and vest treatment before school, and again after school. Clare takes 5 pills before meals, along with a multivitamin that makes the size of my prenatal vitamins look tiny. :) We are thankful Clare has been healthy and hasn't needed to visit the hospital. When Clare is not managing her health, she loves to bake, play sports, do math problems (yes, that is correct!), art classes, girl scouts and spending time with friends. When you are 9, sleepovers are the highlight. The joy of being young is to fit in all these activities! For Clare, the joy of being young also means, staying healthy until new medicines come along. Recently, Vertex Pharmaceuticals had positive results for a future drug for Clare that will work for her genotype.
Please consider walking with our family, or donating to our national team in support of Cystic Fibrosis.
Walk with us. Donate. Breathe. So that Clare can breathe a little easier, too.
Lisa, Jeff, Bobby, Alex and Clare
Cruisin' for Clare's national walk locations : SAN DIEGO. BOSTON. IOWA. LOS ANGELES. OMAHA.
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Updated July 5th, 2023
The CF Foundation is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of individuals attending Foundation events. Individuals attending CF Foundation events must abide by the Foundation's Event Attendance Policy, which includes guidance for event attendees living with cystic fibrosis.