
Emily's Page

TD Five Boro Bike Tour

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $885.00

Goal: $750.00

My Team CF Story

I ride for Jack!

Jack is my 11 year old cousin. In January of 2016, Jack was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (CF). For the past 7 years, Jack's family has worked hard in keeping him healthy enough to live a happy, carefree kid's life.

Since 2016, our family has bound together to raise awareness for the disease and show our support of Jack's family and the entire CF community. We have participated in 4 of Nassau County's Great Strides walks. I have also taken the initiative to raise money and participate in the foundation's annual cycling events - to date, I have participated in 9 events throughout the state of New York, riding a total of 270 miles and raising over $10,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 

I am grateful every day for the progress we have made, and want to take this opportunity to thank you all as none of this would have been possible without your ongoing support.

I am more determined than ever to reach my fundraising goals and continue the fight for all of those with CF, including my superstar cousin Jack. 

Please support me! 

We are at a pivotal moment in the history of cystic fibrosis and your support matters. With your help, we can help the foundation in attempts to advance research today, while raising funds for tomorrow, to ensure we have what it takes to reach the finish line and make CF stand for Cure Found. Please help me reach my fundraising goal by donating to my CF Cycle for Life fundraising campaign today!

- Emily


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