
Erika's Page

2024 Bank of America Chicago Marathon Team CF

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $200.00

Goal: $1,250.00

My Team CF Story

  • Ran the 2023 NYC Marathon with the CF Breathe Team!
  • This was the moment I felt so humbled for the functioning lungs that I have, and made me want to continue supporting the fight against CF.

In November 2023, I finished the NYC Marathon, a marathon that I've been training for since the beginning of 2022. Throughout my time of training, I dreamt of what that feeling would be like as I crossed the finish line. When the time came, and I finally took those last steps, all I could do is stop and reflect; I reflected on how blessed I am to be able to use my lungs to the fullest capacity, while there are others who struggle to do the same.

Cystic fibrosis affects the lungs, pancreas, and other organs. The symptoms can vary from person to person. Nowadays, people with CF live longer than ever before, but their disease can become more complicated, leading to serious health issues. There is currently no cure for cystic fibrosis. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has fostered more than a dozen CF treatments, but these treatments aren't considered a cure, and not everyone can benefit from them.

By participating in Team CF, I am helping to END this disease for the thousands of people impacted by it. Your support makes a DIFFERENCE. If you're feeling up to it, please donate to the CF foundation, as it will save lives and provide medicine for those who have CF.


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