
Kevin's Page

2024 Bank of America Chicago Marathon Team CF

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $950.06

Goal: $1,250.00

My Team CF Story

  • Luke (the Man, the Myth, the Legend) McCue
  • Sarah (the UNSTOPPABLE) and Will (FROLF God) Kolassa


Thank you so much for visiting my donation page!

I am running it back in Chicago for an amazing cause! Last year, with all of your support, I EXCEEDED my fundraising goal and overall, Team CF CRUSHED their donation goal. 

What originally got me to run the marathon last year is that I married into a wonderful family 6 years ago and have been able to get to know two incredible "in-law" families in the Kolassa's and the McCue's. Sarah Kolassa, Will Kolassa, and Luke McCue have Cystic Fibrosis, but it's been incredible seeing how much their families and the CF community have been able to rally behind them. 

After really engaging more with the CF community last year, I saw not only the impact of helping my family, but many other families that have members with CF.

I'm very lucky to have my health and if I can use it to support a great cause, then let's do it!

To learn more about Cystic Fibrosis and how you can support, see the following information below:

There are nearly 40,000 Americans living with cystic fibrosis -- a rare, genetic, life-shortening disease. They are moms, dads, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, friends and co-workers who struggle every day just to breathe.

Will you join us and help make a difference in the lives of people living with CF? All you need to do to become a member of our team is click on the "Join our Team" button. From there, you can make a donation and start fundraising.

By becoming a member of our team and making a donation, you will be part of a tenacious and passionate group of people committed to ending this disease. Together, let’s make CF stand for Cure Found!



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