
Reef's Page

Surf for CF

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $150.00

Goal: $500.00

My Team CF Story

  • Bowie

Family and Friends!!! Hey guys Reef is super excited about surfing in a surf contest to raise awareness and money for one of his best buds Bowie who has cystic fibrosis! 

He needs help getting sponsors though!!!

Here’s where your support goes to….

For those of you that don’t know Bowie’s CF story…Just two weeks after Bowie was born, his parents got a call that his newborn screen was positive for cystic fibrosis. Amongst the general exhaustion of having a newborn, we were completely blindsided. Thankfully, we were quickly put in contact with the CF clinic at Rady Childrens Hospital and with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  Slowly but surely, we realized that this diagnosis was definitely going to be life changing, but hopefully not life ending! We are now over 8 years later and life is great! There are things we have to do to keep Bowie healthy, but thanks to the support of our friends and family, and all the millions of people funding research, the life expectancy of a CF kid has sky rocketed. Especially with a new drug, Trikafta, that is making huge improvements in the lives of many people with CF including Bowie. Bowie started Trikafta last August and it has been a miracle. He even got off Pancreatic enzymes meaning his pancreas started working again. And his lung function is normal!!! We owe this all to the research funded by events like this!! But, there are still many CF patients with mutations that Trikafta does not help. There is still no cure and the lives of people with CF are still cut far too short.

Bowie is amongst nearly 40,000 people in the United States have cystic fibrosis: a progressive, genetic disease that affects the lungs, pancreas, and other organs. They are moms, dads, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, and friends who face the sobering prospect of a shortened lifespan. I participate for them.

Working alongside the CF community, the CF Foundation has fostered the development of more than a dozen CF treatments and helped add decades of life for people with CF. Yet, many people with CF do not benefit from existing therapies. Our vision is a cure for every person with cystic fibrosis – a life free from the burden of this disease – and we will not leave anyone behind.

You can support me!

By supporting my fundraising goal, you have an opportunity in your lifetime to be part of ending this disease. Please consider joining us and help make medical history.


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