
Liz's Page

2024 Metro DC Xtreme Hike

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $1,823.00

Goal: $2,500.00

My Xtreme Hike Story

  • Brynn and Jazz
  • Brynn wearing her battery operated vest.

There are approximately 30,000 people in the United States living with cystic fibrosis including Brynn, daughter of my friends and neighbors - Jo Meszoly and Martin Miller. Brynn is an amazing little girl with a huge love for animals and sports including swimming, soccer and riding.

Real progress has been made in the search for a cure and improved treatments and medications during the last ten years. The most encouraging thing to learn is that people with CF are now living longer than the previous average of 38 years. This means that some of them are in uncharted territory and are living beyond what doctors have managed medically in the past. What does this mean for Brynn? It gives hope to her family that she will live more than the "average" CF lifespan. As anyone who knows her knows, she already lives anything but an average life. Brynn just turned 13 this summer and is doing well especially since she's been taking Trikafta, a medication which has been extremely helpful for people with CF. Your donations are directly helping to fund the research for these new medications. Thank you!

I am participating in the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Xtreme Hike to help raise funds and awareness for Cystic Fibrosis. (And I also look forward to the adventure every fall!) Will you considering supporting me today?

Help me reach my fundraising goal by donating to my Xtreme Hike fundraising campaign. Your gift will help add tomorrows to the lives of people with CF.


My Achievements

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