
Diane's Page

2024 Massachusetts Xtreme Hike

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $28,820.07

Goal: $30,000.00

My Xtreme Hike Story

Hello friends and family,

Patrick’s Posse will hit the CF Xtreme Hike trail again in June, our 12th consecutive year in the woods! We have been blessed with significant advances for Patrick and our CF community since our first CF hike in 2013.  The funds we have raised have had a direct impact on the scientific research and new treatments available. Patrick has benefited from many of these including the breakthrough CF modulator Trikafta that he was able to start in December of 2019. Since then, Patrick’s health has been exceptional and his future brighter than ever.

Although there is much to celebrate, we are not out of the woods just yet. Why we continue to look for your support:

· Life expectancy for CF patients has vastly improved to upper-40’s but we know we can further improve this.

· CF modulators have been life changing for so many yet there are countless individuals, many of them friends, who do not yet have a suitable modulator for their CF mutation.

· Many CF patients continue to battle lung infections resulting in permanent lung damage. Research on how best to prevent/fight infections is critical.

· And most importantly there is still NO cure for CF, only treatments.

We truly appreciate the generosity so many of you have shown year after year and hope that we can once again count on your support. Whether you are a repeat supporter, or new to this list, we appreciate any and all donations no matter the size. 

All our gratitude,

Diane, Jim, Elizabeth & Patrick


My Achievements

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