
Bonnie's Page

2024 Massachusetts Xtreme Hike

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $7,310.99

Goal: $5,555.55

My Xtreme Hike Story

Hello my friend,

Hope this note finds you well after a far too short summer and then a mostly snowless winter, where did it all go? 

Every year I look forward to helping Ellie and other CFers through hiking in the Xtreme Hike event. 

The Xtreme Hike at Jiminy Peak is on June 8th. 
I’m hoping you will all support me and help me find my way to support Miss Ellie and CF’ers find a cure!
If you are a supporter of mine you may already know this CF story and why I hike to raise money. If you are new to this list, then I will be grateful if you read on.
I am writing to ask for your HELP in raising funds, in any amount, to fund research to find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. This horrible disease takes children and young adults far too early. CF is an inherited disorder that causes severe damage to the lungs, digestive system and other organs in the body. From birth CFers take handfuls of medications daily (before, during and after each meal) and endure several types of daily treatments (breathing and shaking).
Tremendous advancements in specialized CF care have added years and quality of life to the lives of people with Cystic Fibrosis. There have been dramatic improvements from the 1950s, when a child with CF rarely lived long enough to attend elementary school to today, with many living long enough to realize their dreams of attending college, pursuing careers, getting married, and having kids. These advancements have been possible due to donations to the fund raisers CFF organizes; the Xtreme Hike is one of them.
I met one of these young girls with Cystic Fibrosis 11 years ago, her name is Ellie Leo and she is from Norton, MA. Ellie was just one of a few kids playing in the house I attended a meeting at to learn more about helping people by hiking. I didn't know what CF was when I arrived but when I left I appreciated life so much more. Ellie "looked" like the rest of the kids but she has some pretty heavy weight to carry everywhere she goes. Ellie has to plan her days around treatments, foods she can eat, pills she must take and people she surrounds herself with. At age 19 and will be a sophomore at Trinity College! That is a tough ask for a young teenage girl with CF. Ellie's long term future is not taken for granted,  she lives each day as it comes and she is always wearing a smile, a great attitude and is hopeful a Cure will be found in her lifetime to extend it to fulfill her dreams.
This is why I hike 25-30 miles in ONE day, to raise funds to help researchers to FIND A CURE for Cystic Fibrosis. The event this year is planned for June 8, 2024 at Jiminy Peak; we will start at 4:00am for a day long hike and do it with all the CFers, who are struggling to breathe, in our hearts.
Will you help me meet my goal of raising $5,555.55 by June 8? This will be my 10th hike for CFF and young Miss Ellie.
ANY donation amount is welcome and so appreciated. THANK YOU in advance for your generosity and caring for young people born with CF.
Stay safe, Bonnie Moore
508 241 1616
If you prefer not to donate online you may contact me to send me a check made out to: CFF and I'll turn it in to our local office Xtreme hike coordinator, Terry Waite #7. Reply to my email and I'll send my address.





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