
Alex's Page

2024 Massachusetts Xtreme Hike

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $5,225.00

Goal: $5,000.00

My Xtreme Hike Story

  • Crawl for a Cure - CF (2019)
  • Crawl for a Cure - CF

I'm happy to share that I will once again be partaking in the Xtreme Hike. The Massachusetts Xtreme Hike is an incredible event that challenges participants to hike a grueling ~26 mile trail in the beautiful Berkshires. And while the hike itself is certainly a physical and mental challenge-- it pales in comparison to the daily challenges patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) live with.  It's also an opportunity to raise much-needed funds for the CFF-- 100% of the proceeds go towards supporting critical research, drug development, and other important initiatives that help improve the lives of those living with CF.

For me, this hike is personal. My cousin Leah has battled CF her entire life and I hike for her. She is an inspiration to me and so many others, and I'm honored to be able to represent her in this event. Leah has personally benefited from each of your past donations as she has been taking Trikafta, a breakthrough drug treating the underlying causes of CF, since 2018 and her health continues to improve.  Fun facts about Leah: (1) she celebrated her 30th birthday in December 2023!  and (2) she was selected by the CFF to chair the 2024 BreatheCon event; a 2-day National Conference for adults with Cystic Fibrosis.

If you're interested in supporting my fundraising efforts for the CFF, please consider making a donation! Since 2014, our fundraising efforts have raised more than $66k for this great cause and we want to keep it going!  Any amount, big or small, will make a difference in the lives of those living with CF.  

Note from the CFF:

There are approximately 30,000 Americans living with cystic fibrosis. They are moms, dads, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, and friends who struggle every day just to breathe. I hike for them. Will you join me and support my fundraising goal?

Real progress has been made for those who have CF, but there is still no cure for this devastating disease and many lives are cut far too short. We’ve come so far, but there’s still so much work to do. I will not stop hiking until all those with cystic fibrosis have a cure. We will not leave anyone behind.

Please support me!

We are at a pivotal moment in the history of cystic fibrosis and your support matters. With your help, we can invest our resources in research today, while raising funds for tomorrow, to ensure we have what it takes to reach the finish line. Together, we can make CF stand for Cure Found. Please help me reach my fundraising goal by donating to my Xtreme Hike fundraising campaign today!


My Achievements

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