
Anna's Page

2024 Grand Canyon Fall Xtreme Hike

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $0.00

Goal: $4,000.00

My Xtreme Hike Story

My friends,
Thank you for supporting my Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Xtreme Hike.  I have the honor of supporting hikers as a guide while they face what is likely the hardest physical challenge of their lives. In that one day, we will hike around 24ish miles together so that cystic fibrosis becomes an insignificant diagnosis, not a death sentence. I hike for Jolene, my sweet and funny daughter who died tragically from CF complications in 2017  on a ventilator and ECMO at only age 10. She should be in high school this year and off driving a car. I hike for myself and my broken heart for my sweet Jolene. I hike for my husband and for every dad who wakes up each day and decides to do his best for his kids with CF, knowing that their lives will likely be harder and shorter than their peers. I hike for my parents and in-laws and my sisters and brothers. Because when your child has CF, everyone hurts, everyone hopes, and everyone loves.

But ultimately it is my brilliant daughter, Cecilia, that gets me from one end of that big hole to the other. I hope she can live a long and full life, free from the harshest effects of this disease.  She is a light in this world and needs to stay in it. 

Sometimes it feels like I am bleeding my friends and family dry, always asking you to donate, donate, donate. I hate it and I'm sorry. It's been a long 17 years of asking over and over for your support. But here we are, still fighting, every minute of every day. So I am asking AGAIN, for your support on this hike. Every penny helps get the CFF closer to MORE life changing and life improving drugs and treatments. Every penny gets them closer to a cure, which is a real and true possibility in Ceci's lifetime.

What a day that will be! 

 I can't wait to celebrate with Kevin and Cecilia. I can't wait to write that email to all my supporters. 

YOU can make a cure happen. 

Thank you and to paraphrase Ceci, "Bro! Let's go!"


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