
Team Breathe Deep

Gateway Xtreme Hike

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $4,473.55

Goal: $25,000.00

Team Achievements

Our Xtreme Hike Story

Team Breathe Deep
Team Breathe Deep

Thank you for visiting our team page!

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) hits very close to home for our team. Our friend and family member, Kelly Wever, has CF. CF is a life-shortening, genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and limits the ability to breathe over time. Kelly has fought CF for her entire life and at age 29, she was in respiratory failure. Her doctors told her a double lung transplant was the only treatment option. Then, after rigorous testing, Kelly was told she only had a 1% chance of finding a donor for this life-saving double lung transplant. 

After waiting on the national lung transplant wait list for over 3.5 years, Kelly received her new lungs! Kelly's 1% chance, needle-in-a-haystack lungs were found! The lungs were a perfect match and Kelly has been given the chance to Breathe Deep for the first time in her life.

Kelly’s experiences have taught us that life is discovered through the challenges we experience, not the rewards we receive. For those with Cystic Fibrosis their challenges are chosen for them, and they face their fight with courage every day.

Our Creed

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.” Matthew 7: 13-14

 Team Breathe Deep chooses to walk beside those fighting CF. We accept the challenge. We will pass through the narrow gate and travel the narrow road. Until CF stands for “Cure Found”.

We need your support and hope you will choose to walk with us.

Team Roster

Team Breathe Deep - Join Team Raised
Top Hiker Nathan Wever $1,415.00
Kieffer Griffith $0.00
Catherine Shoemaker $558.55
Top Hiker Philip Venable $2,500.00
Jim Walsh $0.00
Rachel Wever $0.00
Denotes a Team Leader