
Nicki's Page

Gateway Xtreme Hike

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $655.00

Goal: $2,500.00

My Xtreme Hike Story

There’s something about a fighter that pulls you in. I don’t know if it’s the fire inside them to keep going, or the stubbornness to prove everyone wrong, but it captured me.

Fast forward 10 years later, we’re married with a sweet little boy named Rhett.

Rhett is a fighter too, you know. Just like his daddy.

4 rounds of IVF, 3 failed transfers, and he was the little embryo that didn’t stop fighting.

So, it's my turn to show some grit. True to form, I've opted for one of the most challenging seasons to prepare for an Xtreme Hike - just 5 months after giving birth.

But these boys are why I hike.

I hike for Daniel. When my lungs burn and my legs tire, I remember the 3 half marathons, 2 triathlons and 1 full marathon he’s ran... bad lungs in tow… and I keep pushing.

I hike for Rhett. A known CF carrier, who will grow up seeing that vest shake his daddy, and then watch him go smash another tri.

We get up and choose to fight daily because until CF stands for Cure Found, the work isn’t done.

I’ve committed to walking 15 miles in 1 day on September 21st as part of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Xtreme Hike in Eminence, MO. The Xtreme Hike challenges participants both physically and philanthropically as all hikers are committed to raising at least $2,500 each!!

There is currently no cure for cystic fibrosis. By participating in Xtreme Hike, I am helping to end this disease for thousands of people impacted by CF.

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has made extraordinary progress — including fostering the development of more than a dozen CF treatments — but these treatments are not a cure and not everyone can benefit from them. We must keep going.

By donating to my fundraising goal, you will help advance our mission for a cure for all. Please consider joining us and helping make CF stand for Cure Found.


My Achievements

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