
Steve's Page

Gateway Xtreme Hike

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $250.00

Goal: $2,500.00

My Xtreme Hike Story

  • The happy couple and soon to be married in 2024!

Today, I write to you with a purpose that is both deeply personal and continues to be urgent. Our daughter's fiancé, David, and our close friend's daughter, Isabelle, are both warriors in their fight against cystic fibrosis (CF), a relentless disease that affects thousands of lives worldwide.

The impact of CF on our loved ones' lives has inspired us to take action and do everything within our power to help find a cure. It is with great enthusiasm that I announce our youngest daughter will be joining us on the hike this year. This courageous trek is more than just a physical challenge of hiking 30.1 miles in a day; it is an unwavering testament to the strength, determination, and hope that defines those living with CF.

We are driven to raise awareness for this cruel disease and to rally support for finding a cure. Every step we take during this momentous hike will serve as a powerful symbol of the immense struggle faced daily by those living with CF. It is our heartfelt belief that through our united efforts, we can make a difference in their lives and bring them closer to a future free from the burdens of cystic fibrosis.

In this spirit of hope and compassion, we humbly ask for your support. Your generous contributions will be directed toward vital research and medical advancements that hold the potential to transform the lives of those affected by CF. Together, we can create a ripple of change, spreading awareness and forging a path toward a brighter, healthier future.

Your assistance, be it through financial support or simply sharing this endeavor with your network, can make an immeasurable difference. We invite you to stand with us in solidarity, as we strive to bring attention to this horrible disease and fundraise for a cure that holds promise for countless families affected by CF.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and for considering our cause. With your help, we can forge a powerful force for change and stand as a beacon of hope for those battling cystic fibrosis.

Xtreme Hike is a powerful and unique event that empowers participants to take the search for the cure to new heights. Cystic fibrosis is a rare, genetic, life-shortening disease that affects every organ in the body and makes breathing difficult. Some people with the disease say it’s like breathing through a narrow straw. In people with CF, a defective gene causes a thick buildup of mucus in the lungs, pancreas and other organs. In the lungs, the mucus clogs the airways and traps bacteria, leading to life-threatening lung infections. Sixty years ago, most children did not live long enough to attend elementary school, but thanks to Foundation-based research and care, the median survival age of people with CF is now about 40. 

Those living with this disease are moms, dads, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, friends and co-workers, all struggling every day just to breathe and live a normal, healthy life. I step for them and hope you will support me in my efforts. 

While there has been significant progress in treating this disease, there is still no cure and too many lives are cut far too short. By participating in the CF Foundation’s Xtreme Hike, I am stepping up and helping add tomorrows to the lives of people living with cystic fibrosis. Will you join me? Support me by making a donation to my Xtreme Hike fundraising campaign today!

Please support me and give others more Birthdays by adding tomorrows! 

Help me reach my fundraising goal by donating to my Xtreme Hike fundraising campaign. Your gift will help add tomorrows to the lives of people with CF.


My Achievements

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