
Elizabeth's Page

Gateway Xtreme Hike

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $250.00

Goal: $3,500.00

My Xtreme Hike Story

  • Finishing 30.1 miles
  • Exploring the trails of Grand Teton National Park

I first learned of the Xtreme Hike in 2014.  I had never considered running a marathon or triathlon, but hiking was different.  Hiking was a part of many family vacations and weekend getaways both locally and in the mountains out West.  That said the idea of hiking 30.1 miles in one day seemed truly extreme.  At that time, Chris and I had recently started dating so I decided to give it a try.  The training hikes were underway and I began meeting other hikers and learning about how Cystic Fibrosis had touched many of their lives.  This included parents, siblings, spouses and even individuals who were living everyday with this disease.  Together this community is fighting to raise money and awareness of this rare, life-shortening, genetic disease.  While there has been significant progress in treating this disease, there is still no cure and too many lives are cut far too short. By participating in the Xtreme Hike, I am helping add tomorrows to the lives of all people living with CF today. This year's hike will be different as Chris will not be next to me, citing movie quotes, telling jokes and simply being my rock on and off the trail.  This year I hike to support the mission of the CF Foundation and to remember Chris and the love he had for the outdoors and his community. Please consider joining us on the trail or donate to our fundraising efforts.  Every little bit helps us continue this fight.  Thank you for your support!



My Achievements

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