
Mallory's Page

2024 Central New York Xtreme Hike

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $3,285.00

Goal: $2,500.00

My Xtreme Hike Story

Friends, Family & Neighbors -

I’m excited to share that this year I'm fundraising for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Xtreme Hike Event, in solidarity with my cousin Tess, who was born with and has battled this disease for 23 years now.

To be eligible to climb some of NYS’s 46 High Peaks as part of Team Tess, I must individually raise $2,500 and I need your help! At this point I don’t know which task is taller, the fundraising or climbing the mountains!

For those who may not yet have been touched by this disease, Cystic Fibrosis is a progressive, genetic disease that has been known to primarily affect the lungs, pancreas, digestive system and liver. However, now as people with CF are living longer (which is amazing!) research shows the disease is manifesting in new ways. This has forced our CF warriors to confront new challenges related to life with CF. These challenges can include the development of CF-related diabetes, gastrointestinal issues, reproductive related issues and of course new mental health tolls. So, while we are so thankful that drugs like Trikafta exist and have helped Tess maintain her current lung function and live a more “normal” life (while continuing all of her daily treatments), this new wave of complications serves as a reminder to me, that there is more work to be done. And while scientists get to work in the lab, I will work to fund the hope they give us.

Xtreme Hike is meant to mirror the challenges that Tess and all CF warriors endure each and every day. I am inspired by their strength and feel that it is my duty to continue advocating and fundraising as a stance of solidarity. If you too are inspired, I hope you will consider showing your support with a donation. With your donation, you will be contributing to new research as our loved ones navigate these uncharted waters. Together WE CAN make a difference, together WE CAN be the catalyst of Tess and her CF comrades someday saying, “I used to have CF!”

Thank you so much for your support!    Mallory 


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