
Mary's Page

2024 Central New York Xtreme Hike

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Fundraising Progress

Donate to Me

Raised: $2,745.00

Goal: $2,500.00

My Xtreme Hike Story

So much progress has been made for the CF community. Because of all of your past donations YOU have been a part of the reason researchers have helped create a near miraculous therapy called Trikafta! Because of this medicine people (Tess) living with CF have GREATLY increased quality of life... as well as life expectancy age is 56 if someone born today with CF today. Back when Tess was born, it was barely 21. 
Before Trikafta.... it was a monumental task for Tess to walk upstairs. Now, 5 years on Trikafta... her improvements are visible. From going on longer walks to lifting weights in the gym. For now, the talk of lung transplants is put on the back burner. Instead, Tess celebrated will celebrate being 24 in August, and maintains a career as a public health educator!! 23 years ago, this outlook looked grim – now I look at her and I see a chance for a young lady, that can have her career and a life like she has always dreamed of!!!
Tess, and others like her, are not out of the woods. There is still daily treatments and medication, permanent lung damage to deal with, liver problems from this medication and still serious bacterial infections for Tess. Also, 10% of the CF population Trikafta does not work for. More CF patients continue to need our help! We keep pushing the researchers and scientists to do more, and we have PROVED that money buys science, and science saves lives!
This is why I am asking you to please consider contributing again to the hike. This year, I have 3 nieces and 7 girlfriends that are climbing along side me as we represent Tess and others with CF. Every day is a climb. I am humbled to know I have such amazing support in our lives. Each member has to raise $2500 individually and many of us know the same people. It will be just as hard to raise the money as it is to climb!!
Please consider donating to ANYONE on my team. It all goes to the science. Thank you so much!


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