
Jennifer's Page

Virginia Xtreme Hike

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $2,820.76

Goal: $10,000.00

My Xtreme Hike Story

Why do I hike? My children, Josey and Ethan Walton. They have been fighting a disease known as cystic fibrosis their whole lives, Josey and Ethan are true warriors who show great courage and vigor on a daily basis.

Josey is 22, a graduate of the University of Lynchburg with a degree in Criminology and a minor in Human Services. She is currently employed by Liberty University as a practicum coordinator in the nursing department. She's a hard worker, good listener, and has a heart like no other, she truly cares about others.

Ethan is 20, a current sophomore at Hampden-Sydney College pursuing a degree in Computer Science. Ethan is creative, an excellent problem solver, and a hard worker. He enjoys hanging out with his friends and golfing whenever he gets the chance.

If you ever meet these two you would not know that they have a terminal disease they fight every day. They live life to the fullest and make the most of every single day. This is not to say they haven't both faced big challenges and questions throughout their life, such as, hospitalizations, surgeries, daily treatments, chest PT, and a countless number of pills daily. They both handle everything that is thrown at them with courage and strength. When I look at them both, I see two warriors, that won't allow this disease to define them.

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is the world's leader in the search for a cure for cystic fibrosis. The Foundation was started by parents desperate to save their children’s lives. People with CF are now reaching milestones once thought not possible. Yet not everyone can benefit from existing treatments. We believe every person with CF should have the chance to live a long, healthy life – a life free of cystic fibrosis. The Foundation has helped discover the gene that causes CF, created a state-of-the-art model for CF care, and funded groundbreaking research. Nearly every drug to treat CF that is available today was made possible because of the Foundation's support. Because of the work of the Foundation and our community of supporters, there are now four FDA-approved therapies that treat the underlying cause of CF and more than 25 potential new medications in the CF research pipelines. Josey and Ethan have experienced great improvements with one of these therapies, but it's still not a cure. We are very thankful for this progress and see these advances as one step closer to changing CF to mean Cure Found!

Over these 20 years, Waltons' Warriors has raised over $337,500 towards eradicating the very existence of Cystic Fibrosis and we are not stopping now! I am hiking for Josey and Ethan and to kick some CF butt! This year will be my ninth Xtreme Hike event. As a donor, you can rest assured every dollar donated is used by the CF Foundation to help CF patients and their families. Would you consider being a donor in this fight? You can make personal donations online today, we cannot do it without you. As their mom I can say on behalf of our family, we remain forever grateful for your diligent support and generosity over the years and now.

Many thanks and blessings to you!

Until it's done,

Jennifer Walton and Waltons' Warriors

"...let us lay aside every weight that slows us down, especially sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our fatih..." Hebrews 12:1-2 BP


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