
Tanya's Page

NC Xtreme Hike Raleigh

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $499.34

Goal: $5,000.00

My Xtreme Hike Story

Our family enjoys going on hikes. It was something we started during CoVID to stay active and develop bonding time. Schedules were fluid so it allowed some opportunities to explore parks we hadn't seen. Both Gavin and his little brother, Luke, have Passports for the Parks in NC and we plan to fill them up more this summer!

Gavin is thriving thanks to advances that were made possible by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for the last few decades. Families like us given up their time to support one another as we battle one of the loneliest diseases out there. CF fighters have to stay six feet apart from one another, they have to follow very strict rules (the CoVID 19 pandemic wasn't easy but at least some of what we have had to deal with wasn't "old hat" as they say). 

Funding is mostly raised through family and friends. For a small group-passion and heart are expressed 100 fold when it comes to trying to find a cure for this disease. New medications that alter genetic defects at the cellular level has made hope come even more alive. Life expectancy has increased. Dreams have been expanded. Gavin started on one of the new gene modulator medications (Trikafta) in March of 2022. His lung function improved significantly AND he grew over an inch taller! Instead of starting to fall off the growth curve he shows as above average. We've also had to modify his diet because he is absorbing nutrients like never before!

Later this fall, we plan to move forward in telling CF to "Take a Hike" as we join hikers from across the states. I'm in training (you will see the post on my personal Facebook page) to try to make it through safely and timely. I'm looking for 99 peoples to donate $25 or more to help my reach my personal goal of $5000. I'm also looking for people to join the hike-(virtual is fine!) to help get me to mey Team Goal of $10000.

You can donate on this page and it goes towards my goal. Also-donations are tax deductible for you US residents! 

Thank you to all who donated earlier in the year for Great Strides. If you can donate again-awesome! If not, though-PLEASE help spread the word! 


My Achievements

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