We created Addy's Avengers to help bring awareness to our community, as cystic fibrosis is not a very common condition. Approximate 30,000 Americans and 70,000 people world wide have it.
Just a decade ago, the average life expectancy for a CF'er was about 25-30 years old. Because of the advancements in treatments and medicines, average life expectancy of a CF'er is now around 44.
Your donation to Addy's Avengers and The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation assist weigh the costs of developing new medicines and trying to find a cure for it. Your donation is also 100 percent tax deductible.
Thank you so very much for your donation.
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Updated July 5th, 2023
The CF Foundation is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of individuals attending Foundation events. Individuals attending CF Foundation events must abide by the Foundation's Event Attendance Policy www.cff.org/attendancepolicy, which includes guidance for event attendees living with cystic fibrosis.