Let me start by introducing you to the 2 reasons we walk to fundraise for a cure for Cystic Fibrosis.
1. Sienna Tegan. She has a sparkle in her eye and an awareness of the world that seems far beyond her age. She is this amazing joy who has made us happier than we thought possiible. Since she was little, Sienna has had a passion for life. Everything she does is full of emotion and heart. She loves art, fashion, animals, helping others and is the world's biggest Harry Potter fan. She can't decide if she wants to be an author/illustrator or fashion designer She dreams big dreams for herself and we do too. She's like every other 9 year old in most ways, except one. Sienna was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at 6 days old. Since that time she has spent 1500 hours doing vest and respiratory treatments. She takes over 200 pills a week when she's healthy. At the age of 9, she has been through 4 surgeries and 3 hospitializations. She has a feeding tube that helps her get the extra fat and calories her body can't abosrb on its own. She misses out on special events, holidays and other social gatherings because of the risk of illness. While most kids her age are out playing, Sienna is inside doing her respiratory treatments, having extra meals and snacks. She dreams of a day when she will no longer need to do her treatmants and take pills. I tell her everyday, that day is coming!
2. Cameron Easton. Our beautiful boy who can always keep us on our toes. He is truly our treasure! His laugh and sense of adventure make us smile everyday and fill us with an unimaginable love. Even at 5 years old he lives his life with so much energy and persistance that I can't imagine anything in life will hold him down. Cameron is always on the go. He loves Floor is Lava, legos, Star Wars and Football! He is a busy climber who loves to be social with other kids and the outisde world. At just 10 months, he began his vest treatments and sits patiently each day for an hour doing his respiratory treatments. He has taken pancreatic enzymes since he was 8 days old and although he's growing, mealtimes can be stressful to reach calorie counts. I look at his beautiful face and know that with all the support and research, there is a real possibiity that he will see a cure in his life.
Although we have our 2 reasons for walking, there are other reasons too. There are approximately 30,000 Americans living with cystic fibrosis. They are moms, dads, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, friends, and co-workers who struggle every day just to breathe. We walk for our own kids and for them too. I hope you will support us in our efforts.
Real progress has been for those who have CF, but there is still no cure for this devastating disease and many lives are cut far too short. By walking today, we are helping add tomorrows to the lives of Cameron, Sienna and all people living with cystic fibrosis. Will you join us? Please consider making a donation to our Great Strides fundraising campaign today!
Love always,
Dan and Sarah
Connect With Us
Updated July 5th, 2023
The CF Foundation is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of individuals attending Foundation events. Individuals attending CF Foundation events must abide by the Foundation's Event Attendance Policy www.cff.org/attendancepolicy, which includes guidance for event attendees living with cystic fibrosis.