Welcome to Team Amazing Gracie!!!! Thank you so much for joining our team, donating, or just visiting our page. Gracie is our AMAZING 4 year old little daughter living with Cystic Fibrosis. Diagnosed at just 10 days old with a life shortening disease changed our lives forever. We immediately started researching on how to find a cure to this thing!! An AMAZING thing happened-these scientists are so close to just that!! There has not been a year since 2014 they have not advanced medicines and pushed treatments through the FDA to keep fighting for a cure!! Big things are happening right now!! Now is the time to support this cause!! You will be the reason for the cure to this disease!!
Gracie’s daily routine right now involves
•15 minute nebulized medicine that helps thin out the mucus in the lungs
•30 minute vest treatment that breaks up mucus sitting in her lungs twice a day (an hour daily total vest treatment)
•30 minute nebulized antibiotic to treat her chronic pseudomonas* twice a day, (an hour total every day)
•14 daily pills to help digest food properly
•4 different vitamins for deficiencies
•1 oral antibiotic for lung inflammation
•2 packets of modular therapy prescription medication powder
This is every single day for a 3 year old living with cystic fibrosis. The insane thing?? It usually just adds on as they get older and the disease progresses!! See why I’m so passionate about finding a cure?? These people need their lives back!! We are so thankful all these things are available, as NONE of them were just 10 years ago, but a cure to the whole thing would even better!!
Please consider joining our team and donating to this very special cause
**pseudomonas is a common, yet difficult bacteria to treat bacteria that weakens the lungs of those with CF over time**,
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Updated July 5th, 2023
The CF Foundation is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of individuals attending Foundation events. Individuals attending CF Foundation events must abide by the Foundation's Event Attendance Policy www.cff.org/attendancepolicy, which includes guidance for event attendees living with cystic fibrosis.