Jensen's League is committed to supporting the search for a cure for cystic fibrosis, for Jensen and all those worldwide who are fighting the same battle. We would love to have you team up with us to help add tomorrows to his life!
One way you can be a part of Jensen's League is by donating here on our team page. Donations made here go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF), whose mission is to cure cystic fibrosis and to provide all people with the disease the opportunity to lead full, productive lives by funding research and drug development, promoting individualized treatment, and ensuring access to high-quality, specialized care. Since Jensen's diagnosis at birth, we have been so very grateful for the work of the CFF and the support we've received from them.
Another way to partner with us is by participating in the 2024 Great Strides event, celebrating the great strides we've made towards a cure! Great Strides 2024 is April 28th at Victory Field in Indianapolis.
Thank you for your love and support of us and of Jensen. Jensen's good health thus far in his life is largely due to the spunk and strength God has given him, this team's support, his amazing clinic team, and the work of the CF Foundation. Treatments have come so far over the years, and we believe a cure is in sight! Let's keep striding UNTIL IT'S DONE!
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Updated July 5th, 2023
The CF Foundation is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of individuals attending Foundation events. Individuals attending CF Foundation events must abide by the Foundation's Event Attendance Policy, which includes guidance for event attendees living with cystic fibrosis.