Hello Friends!
The CF Foundation's Great Strides walk to cure cystic fibrosis is coming up on Saturday, May 11,2024. We are so excited to welcome back our team to the Myriad Gardens Great Lawn! Registration in person begins at 9am and walk begins at 10am. If you sign up online you can skip registration at the walk!
This is the first walk Sam is considered an adult! This past November he turned 18 and will graduate high school on May 24th! Sam has been fortunate and been given life saving drugs, like Trikafta that have kept him healthy! With generous donors like you, money is going DIRECTLY to research where work is being done with gene editing that just might produce a cure. This is that "magic pill" Sam has so desperately been awaiting!
In 2005, Sam was born with CF and diagnosed at two weeks old. You can imagine my heartbreak when I found out there was no cure and that he could potentially die from this horrific disease. We learned what we could and did what the doctors told us to do and so far, Sam is as healthy as he can be. We are thankful for his team, but we still need a cure! For now, Sam will continue to do what he has always done; take up to 30 pills a day, make time for breathing treatments and vest therapy, and dream of a day without cystic fibrosis. I know he will not have to do this for the rest of his life because there are people like you who care enough to help Sam fight this disease. But, Sam is not the only one fighting. There are approximately 30,000 Americans living with cystic fibrosis. They are moms, dads, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, friends and co-workers and they struggle every day just to breathe. I walk for them and Sam and I hope you will support us in our efforts to raise much needed funds by May 11th!
By walking in Great Strides, I am helping add tomorrows to the lives of people living with cystic fibrosis by supporting life-saving research and medical progress. Will you join me? Support me by making a donation to my Great Strides fundraising campaign today!
Great Strides is a fun, family-friendly event that raises awareness and support for people with CF and their families.
Thank you for your support of Sam’s Fam!
Help me reach my fundraising goal by donating to my Great Strides fundraising campaign. Your gift is 100-percent tax deductible.
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Updated July 5th, 2023
The CF Foundation is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of individuals attending Foundation events. Individuals attending CF Foundation events must abide by the Foundation's Event Attendance Policy www.cff.org/attendancepolicy, which includes guidance for event attendees living with cystic fibrosis.