I fundraise in loving memory of my sister-in-law, Sage. She lived with Cystic Fibrosis for 34 years. We miss her laughter and great talks every day. We continue to fundraise for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) because they gave Sage and our families so much support. We saw the CFF develop medicine that improved Sage's quality of life. The CFF is the driving force to find a cure for the 30,000 Americans living with CF.
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is still making news with their latest drugs to combat CF. They developed a medicine that slows the disease's progression by halting the decrease of a person's lung capacity. So instead of needing the inevitable lung transplant, many CF patients are able to maintain their current lung function and no longer need a transplant!
Please consider donating to this worthy cause today. We've supported this great cause for 18 years because the CFF wisely uses its funds and directly helps those living with Cystic Fibrosis. We’ve met so many wonderful families over the years with stories just like Sage. You can make a real difference in their lives!
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Updated July 5th, 2023
The CF Foundation is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of individuals attending Foundation events. Individuals attending CF Foundation events must abide by the Foundation's Event Attendance Policy www.cff.org/attendancepolicy, which includes guidance for event attendees living with cystic fibrosis.