Our passion is bigger than ever as we push for a CF Cure! We are so grateful for the support of each and every one of you! In the past 10 years, you have shared our story, walked beside us and have donated BIG! In 2024 we are back and stronger than ever!
Will you join team Love for Logan and support our mission to make medical history again this year? We want to celebrate BIGGER this year! Logan will be 12 years old and we will celebrate his 3rd year of being on the CF corrector drug (Trikafta) this June ...Can we count on you joining our team? The CHP Academy in West Sacramento is opening their closed campus and the past two years have opened their big hearts to support our cause! We will get special access to celebrate our CF fighters, walk the nature trail and experience some fun behind the scenes cadet training (did someone say high speed maneuvers on the tactical race track!?!) Joining our team is so important; showing Logan he has the best community!
TODAY is the day that I humbly ask for your donation toward our goal. Any amount makes a big difference! Click "Donate to Melissa" on the side bar and/or "Join this team" to join us walk day in person or virtually.
A little more about Logan and CF in real life...
Under his quite smile, Logan bravely fights Cystic Fibrosis every day, 365 days a year.Cystic fibrosis is a life-threatening, genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and progressively limits the ability to breathe over time.
There is no holiday for the hours of breathing treatments, sinus rinses, 30+ enzymes/pills every day. We are always "on guard" for the simple cough, sneeze or runny nose! Each cold, virus, infection calls for immediate action and increased treatments as each "simple" illness creates the potential for added complications.
We are amazed as we watch Logan growing to be the person he is! He is resilient, strong and still a lover of all things space and cats!
In 2021, Logan started a new corrector drug, Trikafta. So many fellow CF fighters have seen amazing results with this drug as it corrects root cause of CF at the cellular level. Truly a medical breakthrough! Logan has seen some stabilization in his weight, improvement in his sinus disease and if you look at before and after pictures you can see his skin coloring truly come to life! We are hoping he will experience the longer term benefits from this wonder drug! For now, he maintains his daily breathing treatments, quarterly clinic appointments, quarterly blood draws (the worst!), and 30+ pills a day.
He shows us he can and WILL do it all! We have been very fortunate that overall Logan has been healthy and we count each day of good health as a victory! To learn more about his daily routine, watch Logan's video from last year: https://youtu.be/u5tAL-fogWQ
How does every donation help?
Research dollars are critical to finding and funding a cure for CF. The Foundation continues to be on the verge of real science and medical breakthroughs!
CF Foundation President and previous CEO Dr. Preston Campbell stated, "It's the greatest story in medicine today!"
To learn more about current drug pipeline and possibly more impactful research advancements, click here: https://www.cff.org/research-clinical-trials#drug-development-pipeline-clinical-trials
Real progress has been made in the search for a cure, but the lives of people with CF are still cut far too short. The research dollars raised from all of the moms, dads, families and friends before us have funded the breakthroughs that Logan is benefiting from today. The CF Foundation has been consistently rated as one of the top, most efficient and novel non-protis! Your donation is 100-percent tax deductible.
Connect With Us
Updated July 5th, 2023
The CF Foundation is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of individuals attending Foundation events. Individuals attending CF Foundation events must abide by the Foundation's Event Attendance Policy www.cff.org/attendancepolicy, which includes guidance for event attendees living with cystic fibrosis.