I walk for my brother, driven by the hope of a brighter future for him and all those affected by cystic fibrosis. He faces the daily challenge of frequent medical check-ups, a reminder of the burden this disease places on him.
Participating in the Great Strides walk symbolizes hope—a hope for a future where my brother and others with cystic fibrosis no longer need to worry about their health. It's a vision of days without the burden of multiple pills at every mealtime or the fear of flare-ups leading to hospital visits.
I envision a world where my brother can live without the constant uncertainty that accompanies cystic fibrosis. A world where his tomorrow isn't overshadowed by health concerns.
Great Strides walks have been more than just fundraising events for us; they've been moments of joy and triumph, bringing our family together and reminding us of the power of community.
Join me on May 19th, or consider donating to my cause. Together, let's turn hope into reality and make cystic fibrosis a thing of the past.
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Updated July 5th, 2023
The CF Foundation is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of individuals attending Foundation events. Individuals attending CF Foundation events must abide by the Foundation's Event Attendance Policy www.cff.org/attendancepolicy, which includes guidance for event attendees living with cystic fibrosis.