
Corey's Page

Metro DC CF Cycle for Life

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $0.00

Goal: $200.00

Welcome to my Page

  • Shane with his Compression Vest and Nebulizer
  • Shane on his 12th Birthday

As most of you already know my grandson Shane was born with Cystic Fibrosis a life threatening disease that has serious health implications for him and the thousands of others born with this defective gene...

Shane recently celebrated his 12th birthday and is doing pretty well considering the day-to-day circumstances he and my son David and daughter-in-law Lorie must deal with...just getting a simple cold or cough could mean time spent in the hospital getting heavy doses of antibiotics...

Twice a day (EVERY DAY) Shane must go through chest compressions and respiratory inhalers to keep his lungs and internal organs free from mucus build-up throughout his body. He's a real trooper and while he does not like going through all this day-in and day-out, he realizes that this is part of his life and must be done...

Recently Shane had to start taking daily Insulin injections for pre-diabetes and to help him gain some needed weight...folks with CF have difficulty gaining and maintaining weight as they have trouble absorbing nutrients for growth...

So that is why I'm asking you to make a donation to CFF on behalf of my grandson Shane...

Please help to give Shane and others like him, more years of life...the money you contribute now will help the dedicated doctors and researchers to find the cure for this deadly life threatening disease...

Just click on the "Donate" button above and contribute whatever you can...FYI, the CF Cyle for Life event is just around the corner on October 21st...This year CFF is partnering with 2 Silos Brewing Co. and Bikes and Beer in Manassas, VA...Together we can help find a cure for everyone with cystic fibrosis.

My family and I and especially Shane, truly appreciate your support...

Thank you

Corey & Ellen Keifetz 


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