
Fight Jack Fight

Metro DC CF Cycle for Life

Learn more about this event.

Fundraising Progress

Donate to a Team Member

Raised: $103,560.63

Goal: $80,000.00

Team Achievements

Our Cycle for Life Story


 Join Our Team and Help Add Tomorrows! 

Cystic fibrosis is a rare, genetic disease found in about 30,000 people in the U.S. causing persistent lung infections and limiting the ability to breath over time. Those living with this disease are moms, dads, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, friends, and co-workers -- all struggling each day just to breathe and live normal, healthy lives. We ride for them, and to help add tomorrows to the lives of all people living with cystic fibrosis today. Will you join us? To become a member of our team, click the "Join our Team" button to donate and start fundraising.

By joining our team and making a donation you are joining a growing group of people committed to finding a cure for cystic fibrosis. Because of tremendous advancements in research, treatments, and care from support of countless donors, many people with CF are living long enough to realize their dreams of attending college, pursing careers, getting married, and having kids.

Fight for Jack!!!

Jack fights every day of his life by doing therapies (1 hour or more daily), taking medications, and never lets it keep him own. At age 7, he's already becoming more self aware that he is different than other kids (mostly because his sister doesn't have to do therapy, take pills before eating, go to doctor a lot, etc.).
In 7+ years of life, he's already completed over 3,000 hours worth of therapy. If you think about it...that's a year of work for most people: 52 weeks x 40 hours = 2,080 hours. Subtract 10 Federal Holidays (80 hours) and subtract 3 weeks vacation (120 hours) and you're at 1880 hours. That's crazy! 
Sign up and challenge yourself. Walk, Run, Cycle, Exercise, and let's aim to be better versions of ourselves - even if just for a small fraction of one day. Walk, Run, Cycle for an hour...and when you think you don't want to....think Jack connects to a vest and breathes through a nebulzer for at least 1 hour every single day when clinically stable (no cold, etc.). You can do it! Then donate, and feel really good about yourself!

Team Roster

Fight Jack Fight - Join Team Raised
Benjamin Peden $103,560.63
Denotes a Team Leader