
Georgia's Page

27th Annual Massachusetts CF Cycle for Life

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $9,718.14

Goal: $30,000.00

Welcome to my Page

  • Lucas at the beach
  • Lucas PFTs

Dear Family, Friends and Colleagues,

We are excited to ride in the CF Cycle for Life for our 6th annual ride in support of our son Lucas Steve Dangel (LSD)! We are so grateful for all the support!

Lucas is doing well and starts Kindergarten this month! Lucas loves riding his bike with his dad and mom! He still loves playing with legos, jumping on his trampoline, flying on his zip line, & playing at the beach.

Lucas takes many medications to help keep him healthy. We feel lucky that Lucas just started Trikafta (a CFTR modulator) which has shown to have a transformative effect on the health of those with CF.  Lucas spends time every day doing his nebulizer treatments along with "Vestie." Lucas is also fortunate to participate in several clinical trials at Boston Children's Hospital---doing his part to help advance research!!! While there have been many advancements, unfortunately there is still no cure for CF and the average life expectancy is 53 years old. However, each year we are getting closer and closer to a cure, in large part due to YOUR generous donations!!!

With supporters like you by Lucas' side, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation continues to lead the way in the fight against CF, fueling extraordinary medical and scientific progress. We are at a pivotal moment in the history of cystic fibrosis and your support matters. With your help, we can invest our resources in research today, while raising funds for tomorrow, to ensure we have what it takes to find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis! 

Please consider donating to help us find a cure for my sweet Lucas and all those living with CF! 

With immense gratitude,



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