
Matthew's Page

27th Annual Massachusetts CF Cycle for Life

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Raised: $0.00

Goal: $1,500.00

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  • My inspiration, Haylee Louise Reed.

Fall is here and with it is the annual Cycle for Life (formerly the Cycle for Haylee). This is the 26th year of the event and we continue our battle against cystic fibrosis. 

This year, the week of the CFL will be a special one for my niece Haylee. She is scheduled to receive a new liver from a living donor. This major surgery is likely to be a turning point in her life. She has been living with a failing liver for over two years, unable to work and basically putting her life on hold. It is heart-breaking to see someone you love struggling to do the simple things of life - like eating without being sick, having a conversation and having the memory to recall the conversation a day or two later. Haylee has fought these battles (and many more) over the past two years. Her strength never ceases to amaze me. I know she must have days of doubt and wanting to give up, but she inevitably digs deep and finds a little more strength to do on. She inspires me every day.

I'm happy to report that my youngest niece, Jenna, continues to maintain her health without the drastic challenges of her sister. However, she still relies on drugs developed by the CFF partners to keep her feeling well and being able to start her career as a teacher after graduating college this past spring. 

Your annual support has saved the lives of my nieces and no words can express my gratitude for that. But the need continues and my request for your continued support remains.

Please keep all CF patients in your prayers this week, but I especially ask for your thoughts for Haylee (and her donor) as she undergoes her surgery. Thank you.


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