
Paul's Page

27th Annual Massachusetts CF Cycle for Life

Learn more about this event.

Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $1,362.56

Goal: $5,000.00

Welcome to my Page

  • Michael and the Sullivan Boys
  • Me, Don and Linda

The CF Cycle for Life event has always had a special place in my heart since I first rode in the event as a solo rider in 2014 to support a lifelong friend with 3 boys that were diagnosed with CF. I remember standing in the gate listening to the opening speeches and hearing fellow riders call out the names of loved ones lost, and it was then that I knew this was more than “just a ride”. I rode that day knowing that I would return to see if I could do more to help make a difference. I formed a team and we have since raised over $140,000 to battle this disease.

In 2024 my personal mission remains the same as in years past:

1. I ride for the Sullivan and Cosgrove families to preserve the memory of Dennis and Daniel Sullivan who fought this disease courageously every day, showing strength and grace in the face of adversity. No family should have to endure the pain and suffering that these 2 families have had to deal with.

2. I ride for Sean Sullivan, who continues his fight and is our beacon of hope for the future. Sean is currently taking the Vertex triple combination drug Trikafta, and it has been a game changer for him. Drugs like this are only possible due to research, made possible by the funds we raise.

3. I ride for Don Gouchie and his wife Linda

4. I ride for all those families and individuals who fight the fight every day


My Achievements

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My Achievements