
Team Max

Chicago CF Cycle for Life

Learn more about this event.

Fundraising Progress

Donate to a Team Member

Raised: $250.00

Goal: $5,000.00

Team Achievements

Our Cycle for Life Story

Max Knipstein and Brady O'Connell before Brady's first pitch!
Max Knipstein and Brady O'Connell before Brady's first pitch!

Our CF Cycle for Life Story

Team Max is built around the idea that if we fight we can find a cure and empower those we love. This year we ride for our son Max and our CF Family, including Brady O'Connell, who shares a lot in common with Max, including the same gene mutation combination of this crazy disease. 

Our Team Max has been an active force in the fight. The Cycle Team has come out to ride year-in and year-out to push us closer to a cure.

Max Knipstein was born in 2000 and at the time the life expectancy for those living with CF was in the mid-thirties. Today, because of CF Cycle teams and the army of national forces for good, the median age for those living and thriving with CF has risen to 53 years old! 

Max is thriving, too, thanks to his persistence and love for life, along with the wonders of TRIKAFTA, a new therapy that is making a real difference. Max graduated from Clemson University in May and is now an associate content producer for the Minnesota Vikings. Brady is entering his freshman year and is dreaming big for the life ahead of him.

These are incredible feats, but we still have hills to climb and roads to ride to reach our ultimate goal of a cure.

Thank you all for all your support and for being part of our Team Max celebration during the CF Cycle for Life. 

If you haven't, sign up today and let's make CF stand for "Cure Found!"


Steve, Julie, Max and Zoey


Team Roster

Team Max - Join Team Raised
Mary Gresge $0.00
Matthew Gresge $250.00
Denotes a Team Leader