
Anne's Page

Utah CF Cycle for Life

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Raised: $34,709.88

Goal: $15,000.00

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May 27, 2024

Hello Family and Friends, 

It’s that time of year… Time to get on your bike and ride for a cure! Join us on Saturday, August 17th for the Utah Cystic Fibrosis Cycle for Life. 

We are riding for our 25 year old niece and cousin Lilly Gmelich who was diagnosed at birth with Cystic Fibrosis. CF is a life-shortening, genetic disease which affects the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems. Patients with CF do hours of breathing treatments, take 10-20 or more pills per day and often have frequent, lengthy hospital stays. CF is a complex, expensive, and isolating disease. It is deadly and it has no cure.

Many of you have supported us year after year and have watched Lilly grow up.  When Lilly was born in 1999, the median life expectancy of a CF patient was 31 years of age. But thanks to donations like yours, life expectancy now is over 60 years!  She graduated from USC in 2021 and is now living and working in NYC. 

She has been on a life changing drug called Trikafta for the last 4.5 years. She is the healthiest she has ever been but still faces challenges and fights every day to stay healthy. This new drug has made a huge difference in so many lives but not all.  We can not stop until all patients have a Cystic Fibrosis cure.  We are very grateful for your continued support. 

The Utah Cystic Fibrosis Cycle for Life will be starting and ending in Henefer, Utah on Saturday August 17th. It is a fully supported ride through the beautiful scenery of rural Utah. The ride has various lengths from 10-100 miles with fun rest stops stocked with great treats all along the route. And when you are done, there is a delicious lunch and a cold beverage waiting for you at the finish line. So please register and join TEAM LILLY and ride with us. We promise an exhilarating, beautiful day!

 If you can’t ride with us, you can still help cure CF by donating to TEAM LILLY. Every dollar counts. We are close to a cure but have not crossed the finish line. Please help us get there for all people with CF. Please donate if you can.  Any amount helps!

With gratitude,Anne and Brent Baranko
& Kyle, Erin, and Grace



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