
Brandon's Page

Utah CF Cycle for Life

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $6,750.00

Goal: $2,000.00

Welcome to my Page

  • That's Matt

Hello Friends and Family,

Many of you know my brother-in-law, Matt Meese.  He is the one I ride for.  He lives with Cystic Fibrosis everyday.  His life has been changed by the incredible miracles that have happened in the search for a cure for CF.  The money we have raised over the past several years has brought real change and real progress in this fight.  You can learn more about the progress in CF research right here on this page.  But the work isn't done.  The cure isn't here.  It is still a fight every day for the approximately 30,000 Americans living with cystic fibrosis. They are moms, dads, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, and friends who struggle every day just to breathe. I cycle for them. Will you join me and support my fundraising goal?

Real progress has been made for those who have CF, but there is still no cure for this devastating disease and many lives are cut far too short.  I will not stop cycling until all those with cystic fibrosis have a cure. We will not leave anyone behind.  And yes, that's 100 miles all at once.  

Best part this year, I have recruited my son Brayden to join me!  This will be his first 100 mile ride and I am so excited for him to feel the pain of riding and the joy of finishing!

Please support me!

We are at a pivotal moment in the history of cystic fibrosis and your support matters. With your help, we can invest our resources in research today, while raising funds for tomorrow, to ensure we have what it takes to reach the finish line. Together, we can make CF stand for Cure Found. Please help me reach my fundraising goal by donating to my CF Cycle for Life fundraising campaign today!

CF Cycle for Life is a unique event that empowers me, along with other cyclists across the nation to take action and help find a cure for cystic fibrosis.  I'd love to have you come and join me and an incredible group of riders for an amazing ride!  Or if you would rather just make a donation and relax on the 27th of August while we do the hard part, feel free to click on the link above that says "Donate to Me" and you can join us in finding a cure for CF.  Thank you for visiting and considering our cause!




Brandon and Jodi Ross Family 


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