
Jaymi's Page

Oregon CF Cycle for Life

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $1,525.00

Goal: $3,000.00

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  • Chris Stewart
  • Christian Paton

My CF Cycle for Life Story

Although most CF victims are identified at birth, my son, Chris, was 13 when we learned he had CF. (The average lifespan for CF sufferers at that time was 16.) Because his symptoms were not classic, doctors had trouble identifying the reason for his cough and congestion.

My nephew, Christian, had a more debilitating gene mutation which was recognized at birth. He spent much of every year of his life in the hospital. He carried portable oxygen and was on the lung transplant list until the newest drug became available to him.

Both of them have survived due to the various medications and therapies administered over their lifetimes but now Trikafta, a medication resulting from extensive CF Research, has been a game changer for them and for many others. But more research is needed to find a cure for the many sufferers whose gene mutation doesn't respond to Trikafta.

There is currently no cure for cystic fibrosis. By participating in CF Cycle for Life, I am helping to end this disease for thousands of people impacted by CF.

Cystic fibrosis affects the lungs, pancreas, and other organs. The symptoms can vary from person to person, and as people with CF live longer than ever before, their disease can become more complicated, leading to serious health issues.  

All of us should be able to breathe unassisted. Your support makes a difference.

By donating to my fundraising goal, you will help advance our mission for a cure for all. Please consider joining us and helping make CF stand for Cure Found.



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