
Brad's Page

23rd Annual Seacoast Safari CF Cycle for Life

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $1,546.00

Goal: $295.00

Welcome to my Page

Our Story

We are cycling for a cure for CF for our sweet warrior, Maddox. He is currently 10 months old - small, but mighty. Maddox is full of personality, giggles, and as his doctors and nurses said at only a few hours of life, “he is fiesty”. This boy knows what he wants and lets you know it. His zest for life is immediately evident and is only expanding its wings as he grows. CF holds no candle to his fierce and steadfast spirit – it is already obvious that Maddox does not allow CF to have any ground in his life. We continually learn so much from him.

This is one way we have decided to stand up against CF and we won’t back down until there is a cure.

We love you Maddox!!

Follow along on his journey in this blog (written by his mom): https://maddoxsjourney.blog

CF Background

There is currently no cure for cystic fibrosis. By participating in CF Cycle for Life, I am helping to end this disease for thousands of people impacted by CF.

Cystic fibrosis affects the lungs, pancreas, and other organs. The symptoms can vary from person to person, and as people with CF live longer than ever before, their disease can become more complicated, leading to serious health issues.  

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has made extraordinary progress — including fostering the development of more than a dozen CF treatments — but these treatments are not a cure and not everyone can benefit from them. We must keep going.

Your support makes a difference.

By donating to my fundraising goal, you will help advance our mission for a cure for all. Please consider joining us and helping make CF stand for Cure Found.


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