Join us!
Sunday, September 15th, 2024
Online registration closes at 8am Friday, September 13th
Day-of registration will be available but registrants will need to provide full payment of the $75 day-of registration fee and the $100 fundraising minimum.
Come test your speed and endurance as you race up the 40 floors and 800 stairs of Portland’s second tallest, and most iconic, building. The US Bancorp Tower, affectionately known as “Big Pink”, will host firefighters, endurance athletes, and casual climbers from around the world for the 2024 CF Climb | Portland Firefighter Stairclimb Challenge.
Firefighter participants will be outfitted in over 70 lbs. of full "combat gear" to take on the complete "Firefighter Stairclimb Challenge". Endurance Athletes can climb in regular workout attire or take it to the next level as an Ultra Climber and wear a 70 lb. weighted vest to see how they stack up alongside our first responders. And again this year, anyone ages 10 and up can sprint, jog, or walk their way to the top as a Casual Climber.
Whether climbing to improve timing, test your endurance, or simply cross the finish line, this event is a great way to spend the day with co-workers, friends, or family in support of those living with cystic fibrosis.
In addition, all participants have the opportunity to compete against one another, individually and as a team, to raise necessary funds to ensure those with CF live long, fulfilling lives, and to one day find a cure.
For more information, please call (503) 226-3435 or email Development Director Lindsay Silva at
How to start making a difference today:
Register to participate in-person or virtually
Please be sure to select the appropriate category when registering.
Participant Categories:
• Firefighter Climber – race to the top or climb at your own pace in full combat gear
• Ultra-Climber – non-firefighter wearing a 70lb weighted vest
• Endurance Athlete – non-firefighter – race to the top
• Casual Climber – climb at your own pace, ages 10+ (10-15yo must be accompanied by an adult)
• Virtual Climber – unable to attend in person but wishes to fundraise
Registration Fee:
7/1 thru 9/14: $65 Registration Fee
9/15: $75 Day-of Registration
Fundraising Minimum: $100 (Fees are not included in fundraising minimum.)
Participants who would like to pay their own $100 fundraising minimum, may do so by making a self donation through the registration process via an additional gift or online at any time prior to event dat via their participant webpage. Please convert cash donations into a money order or check before mailing or bringing to the event.
Share your story and start fundraising. Share why you’re participating in the CF Climb | Firefighter Stairclimb Challenge through email and social media and ask your friends and family to support your efforts by donating. You can use the participant center, the Fight CF mobile app, or Facebook Fundraising to reach your goal.
Join us on event day. Come together with family, friends, and colleagues to celebrate our collective efforts and commitment to find a cure for all people living with cystic fibrosis.
At the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, we commit to equity, racial justice, diversity, and inclusion as core principles guiding our efforts to provide all people with CF the opportunity to live long, fulfilling lives. We strive to host inclusive and accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. Please be aware that a 3-week notice is requested as some accommodations may require time for the Foundation to arrange. If you have a disability and require accommodations to fully participate in this activity, please send an email to or call Lindsay Silva 503-226-3435.
A thank you to our sponsors
Our events wouldn’t be possible without the support of our national sponsors: AbbVie and Vertex. We also recognize American Airlines, our outstanding corporate supporter.
We also want to thank our local sponsors who continue to help advance our mission.
In lieu of cash, we ask that you make all payments/contributions to the CF Foundation with a credit card or check. We accept all major credit cards.
Events may be subject to change based on health or safety concerns. If an event is moved to virtual, sponsorship benefits may be adjusted to fit that format. If an event is cancelled your local contact will reach out to discuss options.
Top Teams
2 - Keizer Fire ($3,775.00)
3 - Portland Airport Fire & Rescue ($2,955.01)
4 - Scappoose Rural Fire District ($2,947.00)
5 - Battle for the Bridge ($2,600.00)
Top Climbers
2 - Darrell Fuller ($3,000.00)
3 - Ian Giammanco ($2,150.00)
4 - Jimmy Alonzo Lopez ($1,103.00)
5 - Cody Scoles ($1,090.00)
Congratulations to our 65 Roses Champions
Become a 65 Roses Champion by raising $1,000. Together, let's make CF stand for Cure Found.
Volunteer for CF Climb
Each volunteer helps make CF Climb an incredible event. Would you like to join the volunteer team? Do you have a friend or loved one who may want to be part of this effort as well? There are many skill-enhancing and fun volunteer opportunities to experience. Every volunteer makes a powerful impact, helping to raise awareness and funds in the CF Foundation’s quest for a cure for this disease.
Climb Details
Date: September 15, 2024
Check-in: 8:00 AM
Start Time: 9:30 AM
Number of Steps: 800
Location: US Bancorp Tower, Portland, Oregon,
Portland, OR
Event Coordinator Name: Lindsay Silva
Event Coordinator Email:
Event Coordinator Phone: 503-226-3435
Fundraising Minimum:
Please convert cash donations into a money order or check before mailing or bringing to the event.