
Kristen's Page

2024 Grand Canyon Summer Xtreme Hike

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Fundraising Progress

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Raised: $5,820.00

Goal: $10,000.00

My Xtreme Hike Story

Hello and thank you for visiting our page! I am participating in the Extreme Hike to help raise money to end this terrible disease that has taken the lives of many people way too soon.

 My name is Kristen, and I am the VERY proud mother of Jasmine. She is almost 3 years old and the most courageous, funny, loving, and spicy little girl you could ever imagine. She is loved and adored by her dad, Vinni, and big sis Irene (4 years old). She loves swimming, dancing, and ALL animals. She spends most of her time playing in the backyard, taking her pony on walks, or carrying her turtle around the house. 

At just 11 days old I received a phone call from our pediatrician. She had a kind but very serious tone in her voice. She explained that Jasmine’s newborn screening results came back flagged for Cystic Fibrosis. She warned me not to google it and to wait for our appointment that had already been scheduled at Phoenix Children’s Hospital to meet her TEAM of doctors. I PANICKED, quickly got off the phone and GOOGLED it. Devastation doesn’t even begin to describe the feelings I had. After a very painful 3 days, I met her team of doctors. They were all wonderful and assured me that there was new hope in the world of CF with therapy, medications, and consistent care. I will be honest in saying the first year was TOUGH. But each day after that got better and better. At two years old, she was of the very first toddlers to receive Trikafta. This is a modulator that has been a total game changer for many in the CF community. All this would not be possible without the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and all of its supporters (donators like you). 

Jasmine currently master’s life by doing therapy twice a day hooked up to a vest, nebulized medications, Trikafta granules twice daily, albuterol, and approximately 15 pills a day to absorb her nutrients. She also visits Phoenix Childrens Hospital for 3 to 4 hours every 3 months to chat with her team of doctors and closely watch her health, x rays of chest as needed, GI specialist visits, blood tests every 3 months and I am sure more that I am forgetting. She is the happiest little girl and completes everything in her day while still smiling. I am in total awe of her. She is my hero, and I will do anything in my power to make sure she has every opportunity to live life to the fullest. 

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has been the family we needed at a time of great despair. I attribute the discovery of life changing medications and therapies to the unbeatable dedication the foundation has had to raise money and strategically plan how to allot the money into the correct hands. There is now a cure lingering within reach and I truly believe we can get there in Jasmine’s lifetime with the support of anyone able to make any amount of donation. Please consider donating to our team and be part of the future Jasmine, and the thousands of others living with CF are destined to LIVE! 

Love you ALL. Thanks again for your support. 


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